Thursday, June 25

"Lawn Ornaments"

Ute Valley Park in right across the street from my house, so lots of convenient hiking! I have really been trying to take advantage of my surroundings, and love to have beautiful views of the sunset and of Pikes Peak. I have seen so much wildlife, as you can see from the photo, there are always a few Bambi lurking about. I want to keep a "Creature Count," but I have seen so much so far. I think I have seen at least a deer a day, many jackrabbits, and the Colorado state bird, the Lark Bunting.


rachel said...

wow that is gorgeous country. haven't been since i was 16 (other than the airport) but now i want to go back!

Andrew Jarrell said...

Wow, Linds, it looks beautiful out there! I hope you're having an amazing start to the summer and that you're enjoying the inside scoop on our trip! Talk to you later!
