Tuesday, July 29

8,122 words

A picture's worth a thousand words. I'm too tired to talk, so I will let them.

Inside self-playing grand piano at small art gallery.

Sweet self-portrait in ink blot painting at Museum für Geganswarstskunst? (MoMA of Basel).

Laura made us a chinese feast!

I feel like this may be one of the most magical pictures I have ever taken, excluding the fluorescents.

The Family (me, Roger, Laura, Daniel, Katie)

Watched some rowing races on the Rhein saturday.

Our flat had a party on Saturday night.

Some gentleman doing what I want to be doing right now 
(just need to wait for some laundry).

Went swimming in the Rhein today... delightful. And met for ice cream with my friend Lisa. Good night.


Brooke said...

i want to be friends with the man who has john lennon glasses from the shindig!

Kate Petach said...

You're magical.