Tuesday, March 11

what's the story! morning glory!

Got off work early today to go to a taping of the Late Show with Letterman, which was a riot. Brian Regan and Jaime Pressley were guests, and I was chosen to be second row because of my energy and my LAUGH! I knew it would pay off to be loud and obnoxious one day. as i waited in line, i was humming the Ed Sullivan song from Bye Bye Birdie, since Letterman is at the Ed Sullivan theater. (Ed Sullivan! Ed Sullivan! I'm standing in line in Ed Sullivan!) The show airs Friday night, check it out!

Unfortunately, time with Dave meant no life group.

weekend update:
–had my first try of ethiopian, and liked it!
–tiramisu at la lanterna in the west village. think smooth jazz, low light, and fireplace comfort, all in an exposed brick secret
corner. talk about amazing.
–dim sum in chinatown
–got my first massage ever
–black sesame, almond cookie, and ginger ice cream from the chinatown ice cream factory
–shopping, and i bought an amazing vest for $10. i will not describe, i will leave you in textile suspense
–saw "stomp" on sunday at the orpheum. i got no rhythm, but they sure did!
–got hot chocolate from Max Brenner: Chocolate by the Bald Man (i have seen this place a couple times, and finally caved)
–moma design and color exhibitions. There was a honeycomb vase made by bees in that shape (from flower pollen, to bees, to vase, to flowers again!)

got my tea for free tonight. it pays to be friendly, even in this place.
tomorrow marks my last week in new york. i got a lotta livin' to do... (bye bye birdie reference)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are enjoying the Big Apple! Can't wait to hear all about it when you come back!!!