Wednesday, February 6

short skirt, spring jacket; i want cake

phil may have predicted another six weeks of winter, but if it's 55 degrees and i can wear a spring jacket and flats with no socks, i am satisfied.

met an artist today at a café by herald square. he is an expressionist, and is about 65, and was around in the NYC art world when Pollock and Warhol were big. i have a feeling that herb may always be a starving artist, and underappreciated, based on the bizarre erotic content of his work, but he gave me his card, and i took it thinking, this city churns up the most interesting people to have conversations with over "il panino" and vitamin water.

the demographic of the subway today: a woman sitting next to me with her well-worn, dog-eared and underlined copy of AA steps; a group of hispanic teenage boys searching for Waldo behind an oversized hardcover; a baby with a "hillary for president" bumper sticker stamped onto her pink fleece hat; a man with neon orange parachute pant overalls. you know you want some.

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