Thursday, February 14

black turtleneck gathering

starbucks closes in 23 minutes, but this day was so wonderful, that I would feel guilty not relaying my tales, and I will attempt to speed type, or be short-winded. Oh... 21 minutes left.

had a marketing meeting this morning with the international heads, and all our NY food, getting to know some important people, both good things that ease the bitterness of having to get up and come in earlier. designed all day... self-fulfilling design approved and appreciated by my superiors makes the whole process more enjoyable. one of my amazing co-workers gave me a hug today; i feel the cold-steel foundations of corporate structure crumble when a little emotion and compassion come into play (sorry for the alliteration; it is almost valentine's day and I am just allowed, ok!)

went to a jim sherraden from Hatch Show Print lecture tonight (look it up!) with my art director. he maintains this amazing printshop in Nashville, and does old-time letterpress posters, both re-strikes from the 1800s and new designs for bands like Pearl Jam and Dave Matthews. Because letterpress is becoming the oddity, the antithesis of the digital world, they are actually getting MORE clients and demand, due to rarity and the "special" factor (i made up that term. not official graphic jargon). i won a rare B.B. King poster, with a lucky post-it under my chair. we talked afterwards, and he was very encouraging and inspirational, and he signed my poster. i appreciated him so much that i want to put him on my celebrity count, but i know no one else has ever heard of this guy.

Funny things about the lecture:
1. a room of graphic designers meant a lot of black turtlenecks and funky eyeglasses.
2. there was a spelling error on the poster advertising the lecture outside the door, and Jim POINTED IT OUT.
3. Jim was asked his favorite typeface (it was "william page," the first typeface of Hatch)
4. a couple of designers behind me were chatting it up about "this amazing design school in cincinnati." Seriously! I wanted to turn around (it was my "in" for future co-ops), but i was stupid. really, there was no excuse.

Hung out with my boss afterwards.

I am happy.

YES! Seven minutes to spare.

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